Monday, June 19, 2006

Lola Rose (Personal Fave!)

Name: Lola Rose

Auther: Jacqueline Wilson (Yes another Jacqueline book!)

Blurb: When life at home suddenly gets really frightning, Jayni, her mum and her little brother Kenny have to pack their bags and escape in the middle of the night. They also have to choose new names - and so jayni becomes the glamorous, grown up Lola Rose!

But Lola Rose's life isn't quite as wonderful as her new name. And when mum has to go into hospital, Lola Rose is forced to be much more grown up than she really feels.

Reccomendation: I Loved this book as much as I did with Midnight. And look at that, same auther! This book would be for the ages of about... 8 - 16! But probably ofr the older ones.

For the parents, the main gist of it is that there is a normal family, but the dad has a problem and is always hitting the mum. One night he hits the daughter as well as the mother, so they run away. They try and have a new life, but because the dad hit the mother, she got breast cancer. And I know it sounds really depressing, but it is really a good book!

I woudl rate this ****1/2 stars! I love it!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Left Behind Series Book 1: The Vanishings

This series of about 12 is about...well you read the blurb:

Millions around the globe disapear. Those left behind face an uncertain future, espesially four kids who now find themselves alone.
As the kids search for help and for answers, they are told the truth behind the disapearances. but are they ready to beleive it?

I really liked this book, It explaines rather well the emotions going on while the kids, who have been left behind, by themselves try to live. Its a christian thing, but i would still reccomend it if your not a christian...Don't know what else to write...
If you read the first one, anf find it kiddy, or something, there is an one, haven't read it yet, but am planning to!

so far, i would have to say **** 4 stars!

Untill later, Caity

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Just letting you know...

I'm just going to let you know that strangly enough, my computer doesn't show the word girl...i mean, it only shows the l.....oh... its the word g...i...r...l... just lettng you know, you knpow, if you see a l just randomly placed where G...I...R...L would be.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Howls Moving Castle.

Name: Howls Moving Castle

Author: Diana Wynne Jones

In the land of Ingary, where seven league boots and cloaks of invisibility do exist, Sohpie Hatter attracts the unwelcome attention of the witch of the waste and is put under a curse. Determined to make the best if things, Sopie travels to the one place where she might get help - The moving castle which hovers on the nearby hills.
But the castle belongs to the dreaded Wizard Howl whose appetite, they say, is only by the hearts of young s...

I loved this book, but that may have been because i loved the movie which has just come out on DVD. I think that kids from the age of at least 10 and over would enjoy this book, as long as they like fantasy and witches and wizards, and stuff like that. There are bits when they are talking about spells and such but nothing that could corrupt a kids mind into witchcraft.
Anyway, i would rate this film 4 out of 5 stars
I'm going to try to keep updatng as soon as possible.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Example of Book Reveiw

I'm going to do a basic example of what I will do with other books, if you think there is a way i could improve this, please leave a message.

Name: Midnight

Author: Jaqueline Wilson

Blurb: Violet has got plenty to wish for. She wishes her brother, Will, would be kinder to her. She wishes she could hide the terrible secret that she discovered about him. She wishes she she had a real friend to confide in. And, most of all, she wishes she could meet her favourite author, Casper Dream. Violet can't help thinking that someone who creates such beautiful fairy stories would be able to conjure up a solution to her problems.

Recommendation:I think this story is for kids from 8-13/14. And for older if they are kids who don't like big, deep stories. All of Jaqueline Wilson's books are written in a way that you don't want to put the book down.There are a few bits in the book which a might just put in fir the parents if they want to see a reveiw. In the book, There is a bit where a says that she is a white which and such, She's joking, but some kids that i know that have read it, weren't able to pick that up. And the dad (if i remember correctly) goes and gets drunk often. And the son is often fighting with his parents. There is also a bit in the book that might disturb younger readers, and that is, they have a son, but he dies, and yeah....don't tell the kids, because that would give away the whole story! Just letting you know.

What is this blog here for?

Hey guys, I'm Caity.
I made this blog so that you can come and check out some childrens books for kids from the age of 8-16. It may be that you are a kid looking for a good book to read, or you may be a parent, looking for a birthday present or something like that, whatever the case, i think you might find this blog helpful...(hopefully!).
If there is a book that i haven't reveiwed yet, and you would like me to reveiw it for you, just leave me a message and i will try my hardest to reveiw it for you! =)